Thursday 22 October 2009

r.e.c.e.n.t.l.y : e p i s o d - 01

haha.. how my recent life? i think might be crap =p since 18.09.09 is a last day in my previous company... haha.. after that try to hit on some job hunting =p so lucky tat got abt 5 interviews on the following week @.@ really pack n tired x.X after a day later i will goin to BKK =p

Never the less, finally i got a job =) is tat lucky =.=||| i tot of at least rest abt a month haha... bt tat lucky me that found a job and really thxz to tat company giving me a chance =) roughly abt plus minus 2 weeks then i need to start work immediately =) "gambateh" to myself wish that i can do my best of the best during this 3 months probation @.@

On the 2nd day of work... having a team lunch @ Golden Triangle phew =p *wInk wInk* yummy yummy... all abt cuisine of S.E A =) really having a wonderful lunch with my brunch of team mates...

I think i should end here =) wait until i fully perform in this new environment abt a month then i will be continue with the session ^.^ hEhE almost there =p

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