Friday 23 October 2009

m o m e n t

drink drank is it suppose to be drunk?

haha...since raya till now i dun even got chance to meet my dear for ages ago..
recently really got lots of ppl get their true love then married =) really felt happy for them =) therefore, i also felt lucky of that bcoz of his god brother wedding so i got the chance to meet my bf once again =)

By the way, i really felt happy that there have another couple found their happiness =) I would like to wish them happy 4ever n lovey dovey 4ever =)

really wish that we can forever lovely dovey =.= abt a month + later our relationship last abt 5 years O.o haha.. really long rite... *lol* everyone said that too =p huahhahaha

No-matter how.. i will juz pray for us =) muaCkzZzz

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