Wednesday 19 August 2009


ppl who wan u to respect him/her, plz urself also be respecting ppl 1st!!!!
if not there will no one will respect u!!!
dont like juz tell... plz dont did sth behind ppl in the end come out another piece of things!!!
y ONLY u so LOVE to ask me to COPY other ppl things???
do u noe wat is RESPECT???

always juz noe to ask me to COPY ppl things then combine n combine then become a another thing?? WTH?? am i really useless to be here?? hmmmm..... i not really think so, bt i think juz useless me for u ONLY!!!! for others ppl i fully fine with them and i can create n propose my own things and they do respect me as well....siGh...really really lucky that im QUIT soon!!! if not the bloody hell things will come over and over to me @.@ really make me frustrated!!!! really meaningless to me beign a designer here if continue command by her ONLY who juz need to keep on COPY ppl things to combine!!!! arGhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Friday 14 August 2009

* l o l *

真所谓, 眼见未系真, 耳听即都未系真.

人真是要靠自己的感觉, 很多事情未必系见同听都系对的!

最重要系靠自己, 想信自己!

Thursday 13 August 2009

stop; on {release}

what should i say?
should i ask y?

From the past few months, i ady think damn lots of time whether shall i carry on or shouldn't... Therefore i finally got a conclusion n i decided with an answer... >.< 7th August 2009 therefore am i get release?

I think the answer which is YES. Since im always having doubt with my another "so called" boss, i goin off from her might be a gd ending for both of us. She might also think that finally she can get rip of me *lol* she really a troublesome lady, she always be my so called "ART DIRECTOR", watever shit i need to listen to her abt those design arrangement n etc =.= Hey come on, u r nt the designer u juz is the "SALES DIRECTOR", plz dun think that i should listen to ur way unless u r really super knowledgeable if not juz get off... Other than that, she always like say sth infront of her staff juz like she is the one who always support n caring of her staff bt with other ppl she can juz say another craps with differents story =.= n sometimes "so called" always back step the rest of the partners =.= she really like to make the fire on x.x damn terrible women x.x juz as in cantonese [when meet a human talk human language, therefore when meet a ghost then talk ghost language 'kin yan kong yan wa, kin guai kong guai wa' tengok orang cakap bahasa orang kalau tengok hantu cakap bahasa hantu] sigh, bt the main problem is, she is the creator who to make things worst bt she doesnt know n till now she still think that she is "RIGHT" n dont even "ADMIT" it =.= pity her really clueless...

In my conclusion, the dearest boss who hire me which is really a gd gd boss, he will really take care n support his staff if any problem comes if he able to =) Bt anyway, there're many many more, i also duno how to express my words thur here =.=' things r ady settled n get the answer i shouldnt talk abt her so much n juz let her be watever shit n juz wish her gd luck n also all the best to my dearest boss.