Thursday 13 August 2009

stop; on {release}

what should i say?
should i ask y?

From the past few months, i ady think damn lots of time whether shall i carry on or shouldn't... Therefore i finally got a conclusion n i decided with an answer... >.< 7th August 2009 therefore am i get release?

I think the answer which is YES. Since im always having doubt with my another "so called" boss, i goin off from her might be a gd ending for both of us. She might also think that finally she can get rip of me *lol* she really a troublesome lady, she always be my so called "ART DIRECTOR", watever shit i need to listen to her abt those design arrangement n etc =.= Hey come on, u r nt the designer u juz is the "SALES DIRECTOR", plz dun think that i should listen to ur way unless u r really super knowledgeable if not juz get off... Other than that, she always like say sth infront of her staff juz like she is the one who always support n caring of her staff bt with other ppl she can juz say another craps with differents story =.= n sometimes "so called" always back step the rest of the partners =.= she really like to make the fire on x.x damn terrible women x.x juz as in cantonese [when meet a human talk human language, therefore when meet a ghost then talk ghost language 'kin yan kong yan wa, kin guai kong guai wa' tengok orang cakap bahasa orang kalau tengok hantu cakap bahasa hantu] sigh, bt the main problem is, she is the creator who to make things worst bt she doesnt know n till now she still think that she is "RIGHT" n dont even "ADMIT" it =.= pity her really clueless...

In my conclusion, the dearest boss who hire me which is really a gd gd boss, he will really take care n support his staff if any problem comes if he able to =) Bt anyway, there're many many more, i also duno how to express my words thur here =.=' things r ady settled n get the answer i shouldnt talk abt her so much n juz let her be watever shit n juz wish her gd luck n also all the best to my dearest boss.

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