Wednesday 19 August 2009


ppl who wan u to respect him/her, plz urself also be respecting ppl 1st!!!!
if not there will no one will respect u!!!
dont like juz tell... plz dont did sth behind ppl in the end come out another piece of things!!!
y ONLY u so LOVE to ask me to COPY other ppl things???
do u noe wat is RESPECT???

always juz noe to ask me to COPY ppl things then combine n combine then become a another thing?? WTH?? am i really useless to be here?? hmmmm..... i not really think so, bt i think juz useless me for u ONLY!!!! for others ppl i fully fine with them and i can create n propose my own things and they do respect me as well....siGh...really really lucky that im QUIT soon!!! if not the bloody hell things will come over and over to me @.@ really make me frustrated!!!! really meaningless to me beign a designer here if continue command by her ONLY who juz need to keep on COPY ppl things to combine!!!! arGhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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