Sunday 22 August 2010

my crapy notes!!!

Note 01:
hahaha... finally i got a new pc @ my workplace... hooray... i no longer use the ancient pc and make me suffer while working =p [thumb up] means my work load also might be increase as well x.x [expected] LOL..... no matter how, i will always keep remind myself to try my best =)

Note 02: office ady polluted by different kind of virus and most of my colleagues are sick @.@||| 

and I finally stress out and also attacked by virus ~~ I'm sick o.O haha...blur blur go to work...

Note 03:
After an argument, I have no conversation with my family about 2 weeks my fault.... my fault..... sOb sOb ='(

Note 04:
I'm broke in this month and upcoming month x.x hahaha ~~ over spent during all those warehouse sales, promotions @.@ need to save and cover my expenses =) [gambateh]

Note 05:
hahaha.... just mention that im broke but in my mind suddenly still got a lots of wish lists are pending @.@ aiyoo.... [dead x.x]

Note 06:
Planned to re-organise all my personal stuff ~~ yet to complete...hahahahaha =p [tired] okay, nvm i will keep moving =D

Note 07:
So.... I think I should stop here and catch up next time when I free =) [blur x.x]

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