Monday 15 February 2010


happy chinese new year too all my friends and family may wish them have a prosperous year ahead and all the gd gd luck brings to u in this tiger year =) and also happy valentine's day to all who got a dear dear =p... may wish them sweet sweet ever and ever =p

this is the 1st year im back to malaysia to celebrate the festival.. and the weather its really damn hot @.@ really very suffer over here!!! i need some cold air =p hahaha.. still remember the pass 2 year i was in and the weather is quite gd.. cold cold and windy windy =p hahaha..really do enjoy the time when i was there and also i do miss all my friends over there =) hello to my friends in oversea =p how r u ?

btw..hehe.. finally i got my long holidays =p.. im waiting for the trip in this coming 17 feb to bkk again with my dear... omg... the weather in malaysia its really damn hot... i really duno how am i goin to survive =.=||| really goin to melted@.@

hmmmm... cny of this year... nth much special still the same... i think coz of the recession makes that its not that happening and need to save lots $$$.. and also lots of ppl goin back to their hometown and celebrate the festival =) hmmm... anything else =p i think i should continue my blog when i back from my holiday and express my feeling and the happening stuff over here =p hahaha.. anyway... happy holidays too all of the ppl in the world who celebrate the festival =)

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