Tuesday 5 January 2010

it's a new new year!

new year.... new plan.... new target.... new goal.... what else??  =p

So...during eve + new year... enjoy... enjoy... party... party.... everything over... too bad.. at this moment, photos r unavailable... =(
thxz to all my friends... huhu... enjoy life keep goin...

[think past once again]
am i growing up =.=
am i independent enough?
am i gain weight =p of coz...*sOb sOb*
am i.... am i....

it's ady 2010 =) still haven organize my plan for the new year ahead =.=||| yes.. im lazy =p still not in the mood when back to work.. omg *shout*
hey come on, wake up please [nicOle] its time back to the reality!!!!! wake up wake up wake up******

life goes on... enjoy life...  ♥ the one u   cherish everything you get and got in every single moment... of coz work hard... $$ come come =p if not cant enjoy =p

time really ruin so damn fast.... its ady a year+ i back from the uk... im really freaking miss when i was there.... *shout shout* i wan to go back enjoying my life and season when i was there =p [pray & work hard] really miss the moment when i was there... update some picz and just roughly recall back part of my memory =p

When i 1st arrive @ the heathrow airport *lol*

The 1st Autumn in Manchester while having a short break =p

the thing that make me wish the most =p
finally is snowing and snowing =p haha...

chilling time with my mate during another Autumn again 

shopping time =p
most of the time make me out of control...
bt lucky that i still can control myself =p

ready back to m'sia when having Esther break to me my love and family

finally... im on board back to m'sia for good

about couple of months, we back for our graduation ceremony =)
enjoy all the precious moment.....

the moment make me love the most when i going back again for ceromony =p

ohhh...when recall abt this part i really really feel excited when i got the news euro is snow =p huahahahhhaha... so happy and excited when snow snow snow =p but too bad i cant celebrate with a White Christmas =(

But during last year, some of my friends manage to celebrate with a White Christmas...so envy =.= and also during last year when just touch to winter ady started snowing... even blizzard [heavy snow] [i lovin it] =.=||| hahaha... i really wish i can be there and enjoy the snow snow again =p [am i mad] even this few days is snowing... *lol* i really love it although is damn cold till freezing =p [sit at the corner and miss the scene and moment] @.@

i will be continue............. [snow snow come to me]

long winded... swt... better stop my excitement of my ages life..... [ON HOLD]

*lolx* dont think too much ya...
juz be urself = myself...
[love what you do; do what you love - Wayne Dyer]
all the best in this new year =p

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