Sunday 5 April 2009

im ady here for 6 months +

Time is running so fast =.= i ady back from uk abt 6 months + *lol* suddenly it remind me back abt when i juz came back since oct'08 *lol* cant imagine that when i juz came back that was recession O.o i really duno is it am i doin the rite decission anot.. i think there is no wrong or right i went back...hehe... bt im for sure that i miss uk so much muchie =p especially during winter.... hahahaha... during when i back that time im still struggle that what should i do?! find a job or having a long holidays =p bt i dun care after i back abt 2-3 days then i go to find my dear dear...hehe...coz he ady planned it for me goin to find him =p yeah! i back to my lovely dovey days *lol* miss him so much when i was a year apart with him...haiz...i think that was few weeks after then he came to kl n find me again...hehehe... *wink* then we went to genting... *lol* port dickson as well...*lol* happy moment again...of coz i still in holidays bt in the meant time i still looking for job....hehe

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