Thursday 22 July 2010

hOOray =D

finally im having my relaxing week and *shout* it's friday =p
hooray =D hahahahahaha...
i need to be treasure this moments...hahahaha...
gdgd.... enjoy enjoy =p
xoxoxo ^.^

Friday 16 July 2010

my life x.x

wow... i ady have been ages ago didnt update my blog =.=|||

sigh.... im really super damn busyyyyyyy x.x i killing myself softly becoz of my job.... hahahahaha.... rushing rushing with all those crazy deadline @.@ OMG... really damn exhausted la...i hate tight deadline x.x cant i have a sweet sweet lifestyle???? i want a balance lifesyle!!!! may i????? hahahahahaha.... i think it really hard to get a honeymoon lifestyle once i jump into the scene =) i really wish too and i planning to have a short break to relax and relief myself =D any suggestion with it?? I WANT TO OUT OF THE CITY!!!! im STRESS to the max!!!!! kill me plzzzzz.... and now im fully understood agency life is not that easy... its really suffer and crazy for deadline =.=||| bt i will try my best to deliver things..... i hope i can do it =)

i miss my dear la... if not mistaken we ady didnt meet up almost 3 months =( i need him to pamper me =p to let me release =) hahahaha... i think by the time i meet him up i can able to let myself to relax and dun think abt my work =) waiting for the day comes =)

other than holiday, i think right now what i need which is go to a anti stress massage n let my body enjoy n relief my tension =D my spine it feelings so weird n pain now x.x it makes me miss Thai so much......hahahahahahahhaa.... i want massage!!!! i want a break!!!!! i want holiday!!!!!!! i wan to relief, relax, release =p hehehehehehe

i think i should stop here... juz once again  to tell myself.... [Gambateh] =) cheers up my life sooner and possible =)