Wednesday 30 July 2008

30.07.07 ~ 30.07.08

2day is the anniversary tat i in the UK.. now i can finally feel tat time really ruin so fast its ady im a yr in the UK rite now.. im still remember when the day i come... dear beside tears like shyt :'( also when the moment goin to boarding n also in the flight....

when the moment that i reach London Heathrow Int. Airport... my feeling of excited =p n also when arrive the hotel n cheers in the pub with scary panda face @.@

The moment when i travel a week with my parents n sister...took the 1st photo with the bull in Bullring'07 ... n almost a yr i took another photo with the bull again in Bullring'08...
After all when i rewind back my memories...i remember that when the moment my parents n sister leave me.. i tears again.. in that moment i truly knew that my parents r loves me lots n also my sis care n loves me lots even that we always quarrel *lol* in my mind also think of when after my parents n sister left..wat am i doin n wat am i feel....

wat i had did this past =.= 2day in my mind keep on rewind tat when i first arrive in the UK..wat am i doin 2day onwards... i think it will be remind me day to days start from rite now...surely tat i also knew tat my dear ady waiting me a yr... finally yeap i done my degree...
This reminds me when one of the day join my pre-sessional mates to Liverpool trip...etc...

Again to remind me that my frens finally reach UK n we having a uni dinner @ Aston Villa...
In my Uni campus @ Costa Green... this to reminds me im begun my course =p
Part of my fellow classmates in my major, tutors n the vis. comm batch in 2008 =)
Yeah!!! Finally i didnt disappointed myself n my parents... i done my degree although not with gd results *LOL*
Therefore, through this yr there r lots happy and unhappy moments n things happen around me... the most deeply remember in my mind which is my previous blog has been removed by someone else -.- n also my hardisk... haihz.. its hit by a stupid can... now really had a serious damage.. n i really blame myself.. it need to cure with RM2k... i really feel so sad... bt it no choice..coz all my memories photos pass this few yrs, laptop backup, project files...etc are all in the hardisk n i juz can grab "some" photo through my friendster onli... haiz =( its really gav me a big big lesson =( sOb sOb... other than this, memories in my mind through the yr i live in UK really unforgettable... it will always in my mind...

Some of my fren ask me tat y am i still staying in the UK.. haha.. im the earliest who came here.. in the end im the last to goin back... *lol* my reason could bcoz of.. i duno whether i can get a job over here anot.. so i try to spend as much time as i can to staying here n enjoy the life here... juz abt four months onli till my visa ends in oct... =.= instead of this reason, coz i duno i can get a job over UK anot.. so i might not be extend my visa.. if i cant get a job y i still need to extend to coming back n stay with jobless here.. its really will die x.x i also dun hope lots tat i can work in the UK, first i dun think so i able to work here n with the environment although i like the weather n environment over here compare with m'sia n of coz the currency if i could earn n save some pounds over here =p other than that, my result is not tat gd compare with those 1st class holder =p n also frens r not here.. unless they coming back to work if they possible to...of coz i will follow n try to fight for a job here to cover all my living n expenses...if not i really will die badly over here x.x finally also...once i extend then i will stay 2 more yrs over the UK... then i will be apart with my family n dear again... so wat should i do i think the better wat can it be juz goin back to m'sia in oct after this 4 months enjoying the environment here..I think is time for me goin back to m'sia.... i miss everything in m'sia as well as in the UK too.. bt i cant juz staying in the UK without any reason n job.. its juz wasting time n $$$... unless i get a job tat i major thru these few yrs... hEhE ^_^

Sunday 13 July 2008

well, 2day i need to update my blog and share wat happen to me since after my blog has removed by someone else.....

Friday 11 July 2008

Brand New Bloggie

Finally 2day i done my brand new bloggie again... really feel so sad when my blog have been removed by someone else... haiz... all my feelings n taughts in past few years since 2004 till 2008 are gone~~~ i really need to say [tata] to it =.=
So: [eNjOyinG my LifE... yEstErdAy iS HistOry, 2mOlO iS a MistEry, But 2dAy iS a giFt...]